About the client

I worked in UNEP, Nairobi, for 7 and half years. During my tenure there, I got the opportunity to work for and create designs for several projects. The last project I worked for was a Knowledge Management project under the Millenium Development Goals Achievement Fund – specifically under the Environment and Climate Change Programme Area. Here I got the opportunity to work with 17 different countries around the world where Joint Programmes had been set up to achieve the MDGs. It was an absolutely fascinating project and I got to learn so much especially as I was heading the Communication of our Knowledge Management project. I was also in charge of the IT so I was able to work with several softwares also.

About the design work

I had designed several outreach material for this project and had worked on them from conception till distribution. Here, I have highlighted some of the main outreach material of the project.

Seeds of Knowledge was a 80-page book that presented 24 case studies from the 17 countries on grassroots solutions to the impacts of climate change. It was a book that I designed after having worked for two years continuously with the 17 programmes. The idea behind this booklet was to provide solutions to environmental problems in quick and easy ways. I also assisted in creating a Wiki where, if one was interested, one could find more information about the lessons learnt in the 17 projects in these countries. To download this book in English, please click here. This book is also available in SpanishArabic and French – all of which I designed.

I also designed Fact Sheets for each of the 17 Environment and Climate Change Joint Programmes under the Millenium Development Goals Achievement Fund (MDG-F) Project. These fact sheets were created with the purpose of promoting the work of the 17 Joint Programmes and creating awareness which in turn could provide extra funding for the continuation of the projects under the Joint Programmes after their timeline was complete. The fact sheets have now been included in theWiki for use in future environmental initiatives. I have also designed these fact sheets in French and Spanish.

And lastly, during a workshop we had held for the 17 Joint Programmes in Ecuador, I designed certificates of participation for all the participants there. This was a one-off request and I felt that I had to do justice to it. So I decided to design the certificate based on the beautiful surroundings that we were in (Amazon rainforest). The participants definitely loved the design!

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